The Art of Soothing Stress & Easing Anxiety

A class designed to support your personal growth

Discover a framework that guides us out of the arid terrain of exhaustion, anxiety & overwhelm - and toward lands of prosperity, ease, change, clarity and meaningful connection.

An introductory class into the world of NeuroEmotional self care.

April 6th, 10am via zoom $33 (+ recording & guided meditation)

Teach your Nervous System that it is SAFE & LOVED…

The sharing of this knowledge will illuminate the beauty ~ & artistry ~ of how to work with your brain, calm your nervous system & develop the capacity to safely process feelings. All of which supports the powerful shift out of STRESS & toward growth.

Why is this important to you?

Well, less stress is important to all of us, and generally, we’re all seeking ways to feel far less of it!

Your nervous system and your magnificent brain are both vital in creating a more relaxed system. Your brain communicates to your body through your Nervous System, and this is the ONLY way to ease stress and anxiety. Through the body.

Your Nervous System is the epicenter of ALL your experiences ~ which is to say, all of your FEELINGS.

The state of your Nervous System = How you feel in any given moment.

We can also think about this as the STATE OF YOUR BRAIN = HOW YOU FEEL IN ANY GIVEN MOMENT.

Your ‘Brain State’ dictates how you feel, act, respond, engage, communicate, learn, make money, don’t make money, create, the quality of your relationships, how you talk to your kids, how much compassion or patience you have, the way you make all decisions, the way you enjoy intimacy and connection. and importantly your overall HEALTH & well-being. Kinda important!

There are ‘3 brain states’ that determine our state of being moment to moment:

  1. Survival Brain

  2. Emotional Brain

  3. Executive Brain

When you understand the constellation (the rhythm, frequency and quality) of these 3 brain states ~ what they look like, feel like, and how to work with them ~ you develop an understanding of yourself that will quite literally change your world.

For example - you begin to realise that when you (or a loved one) is in a ‘survival brain state’, its not the time for finding solutions, making decisions, trying to give cuddles too soon, or asking lots of questions. Its the time for no words or very few words, its the time to move slowly and make sure all basic needs are being met, so as to signal safety to your (or their) deeper nervous system.

We so often hear people say things like “change your mind, change your life” or “elevate your thinking”, or “just think positive because you attract what you think”- I’ve said things similar to this myself in the past! But it’s actually NOT your mind you need to change first - its your nervous system (your brain state). We can only make changes by first going through the body. This is why the positive mindset movement falls flat. You can repeat a ‘positive mantra’ for days on end. But if you’re repeating it from a SURVIVAL brain state - its just going to get you more Survival!

The only place to change your mindset is in the EXECUTIVE BRAIN STATE. When you know how to get into an Executive state, and stay there more often - changing your mindset is easy. But there’s a process, a framework and a MAP we need to follow.


First step = Soothe the Nervous System. Second step = engage feelings (this is the one most of us are never taught to do). Third step = enjoy the clarity and power of your Executive brain - where you find solutions, answers, connection, compassion, creativity, patience ~ all the good stuff!

Unfortunately most of us are living the majority of our lives in the very taxing simmer of the SURVIVAL NETWORK. Not a peaceful or abundant or pleasurable place to be. Especially long term.

Wanna get out of it??

And better still - learn how to support yourself out of it gently and swiftly every time…

This is for you if…

You experience occasional stress and anxiety ~ OR, you experience daily stress and anxiety.

You want more ease & peace.

You want to thrive ~ not just ‘get by’.

You want to feel a depth of connection with your family that isn’t constantly thwarted by reactivity and stress. And you want to know how to emotionally support your child/ren.

You want to be more regularly connected with the ‘you’ that feels confident, clear, compassionate and on purpose.

You want to understand why sometimes things feel hopeless or scary, and why other times the same thing can seem completely manageable, exciting even.

You want less emotional overwhelm and more emotional autonomy.

Come and join me in this warm & welcoming space…

If you’ve been craving greater ease, connection, abundance, peace of mind, clarity, health and a way out of feeling stuck-ness in any area of your life…there’s something here for you.

This Introductory class ~ The Art of Soothing Stress & Easing Anxiety

Will introduce you to these ‘3 brain states’.
You’ll learn how to identify them, how to talk to them, and how to move between each one more swiftly. All to say - you’ll understand how to soothe your stress, engage feelings safely ~ and live from a more embodied, clear and calm place. Basically, you’ll increase your capacity for an ARTFUL, meaningful life!

No one wants to spend another year stuck in their Survival Network, wondering why they just can’t seem to shift out of feeling anxious. No one wants to spend more time feeling stressed and yelling at their kids. No one wants to keep repeating unhelpful patterns, or feel disconnected from their family ~ drenched in reactive anger or unrelenting worry.

There is an exquisite pathway out…

That pathway is being shared in this introduction class.

I’ll reveal a FRAMEWORK (a NeuroEmotional map) that will give you the insight you need to shift out of these exhausting survival states.

The tools to be with Feelings rather than avoiding them or pushing them away.

And finally - how to squeeze the goodness out of being in your Executive state more often.

It will feel like unlocking a secret ~ that really, we should all have access to!

Date: April 6th

Time: 10am

Location: Via zoom

Investment: $33 + recording made available + a guided meditation to support what you learn.

*Please note the price of this offering does not reflect its value. The value is immense. The price point is intentionally set to make it possible for more people to join and benefit*

What to expect

Supportive strategies that work long term, to help you into calm REGULATION & out of the exhausting state of SURVIVAL.

Skills to rewire old patterns & create lasting brain change.

A clear understanding of the ‘3 states of being’ that humans inhabit moment to moment.

Confidence to assist little (and big) people with their stress, and intense feelings.

A simple pathway to processing emotion, and therefore making space for deeper healing & enjoyment of life.

The possibility of enhanced relationships, peaceful homes & greater connection.

Practical knowledge devoted to consistently weaving threads of sacred compassion, ease and balance into daily life.

What’s the foundation of my knowledge?

Am I qualified to share this with you?

Absolutely I am. I feel strongly about qualifications and people being held in a safe container steeped with integrity.

I’ve studied and trained in mind body medicine for many years, especially in and around my understanding of nervous systems when it comes to the physiology of birth. Being a doula and birth educator this has been a vital part of my knowledge base.

I’ve been a yoga & meditation teacher for 20 years, studying many modalities including subconscious mind therapy. This has given me a tremendous foundation in understanding the potent pathways to nervous systems regulation and greater health.

Most recently, over the last 5 years I’ve worked closely with ‘The Center For Emotional Education’, based in the US. I’ve been actively part of their certification program for the last 4 years and am a fully Certified NeuroEmotional Practitioner through the Center. This has been an in depth study and personal application into the world of Brain Science, and understanding how soothing our deeper system & engaging feelings can help us create personal and collective health, cohesive loving relationships, successful businesses, and meaningful lives.

I am also currently studying; a Degree in Psychology at the University of Macquarie, Sydney.

I’ve spent the last 2 years working 1:1 with clients as a NeuroEmotional Practitioner. The results my clients have experienced have been incredible. The feedback that most often emerges is ~ “why doesn’t everyone know this stuff!?”

~ and I agree! I very much want to share this wisdom and knowledge with more people. Positively impacting more lives, rewiring more brains and standing with my incredible teachers and mentors at The Center for Emotional Education in helping to create the Emotional Revolution.

Please check out The Center for Emotional Education HERE They are incredible humans, doing profoundly important work in this world. Plus they are the most lovely, caring, compassionate, successful, wise people I know!

The majority of what I share in and around Brain Science comes directly from their trainings & my personal embodiment.